Knowing what is in front of you will allow you to discover what is being kept from you. Because nothing is concealed that cannot be made known.
In 2007, a man by the name of Slavisa Pesci garnered media attention when he mirrored a copy of the painting of the Last Supper fresco that is housed at Milan's Santa Maria Delle Grazie. The resulting image purports two individuals who like Templar knights now appear at the table's ends, and someone who might be cradling an infant is standing to Jesus' left. Pesci added that there was a wine goblet the fabled Holy Grail, in front of Jesus that had never before been seen.
I was fascinated by this and decided to try it myself. Unfortunately, the Milan copy is in poor condition, and to me, this was an issue. The Milan version is in a state of constant degradation because Leonardo painted it using a variety of cutting-edge techniques. Instead of using the traditional wet-into-wet technique used by fresco painters, he painted directly onto the dry plaster of the wall, this prevented the paint from chemically adhering. The artwork had already begun to deteriorate before he died.
Reconstructing the past
After doing some research, I found what I believed at first to be a modern reproduction of The Last Supper at the Tongerlo Abbey in Antwerp. Between 1495 and 1498, Leonardo da Vinci created the "The Last Supper." Three reproductions of the mural were subsequently claimed to have been painted by his students. One of these ended up in the Tongerlo Norbertine Abbey. The 45 square metre canvas is thought to have been produced in 1506-07 by Andrea Solari. Since there is no underlying sketch behind the paint layer, art experts believe that Leonardo da Vinci painted the heads of Jesus and Mary himself.
Renaissance Masters such as Leonardo, were able to delegate work to apprentices using a technique known as pouncing, this ensuring the transmitted picture would be true to the master's original concept and composition. Pinpricks were pierced into the outlines of a cartoon (a full-scale design for a picture to be transferred to a fresco), then Charcoal dust, the ideal material to pass through the holes in the design and transfer a dotted pattern to the work surface, was delicately applied onto the image.
I took copies of the Tongerlo and Milan paintings and laid them on top of each other Undoubtedly this is a faithful facsimile that I believe Leonardo created.
Hidden Truths
Encouraged by the potential of secret Images, I embarked on some independent Kaleidoscopic study. I chose to start with the intriguing figure that some have claimed to be Mary Magdalene and others have said is John the Baptist, when I slid one copy over the other, I was astounded by what I saw!
In the image you can clearly see a crucifix hovering below a huge stone chevron. The two components are positioned over the shape of a scarab beetle, with the main construction being a dodecahedron dome. Plato defined the dodecahedron and described it in his book Timaeus, he states that the dodecahedron was "used for arranging the constellations on the whole heaven.” Timaeus is one of only two written records that mention Atlantis the other being Critias, also written by Plato.
Leonardo Like Plato had an Interest in the Platonic Solids and was very proficient in drawing them.
Meanwhile back in 2006, I enter 33°n, 33°e into Google Earth with the idea that there may be hidden clues to a secret, picturing the square and compass as sailors' tools, and using the highest degree of Freemasonry as the coordinates. I was immediately taken to a flat region of the Mediterranean seafloor devoid of any notable features. Zooming out from this disappointing spot, I was astonished to discover that this location is immediately to the east of a colossal, symmetrical, anatomically accurate scarab beetle, the appearance of the structure including a head, abdomen, legs, and eyes.
Surveying its features your attention is immediately drawn to the 10-milewide chevron shape that is sitting neatly on the dome of this amazing construction. With further examination, you will find a crucifix laying where the beetles head meets its body pointing in an east-by-north direction.
Between 2006 and 2008/2009, the scarab together with the cross and the apex were still clearly visible, subsequently, google imagery was abruptly and unexpectedly modified. Coincidentally at this time, I had posted detailing the discovery on the unexplained mysteries forum where it would generate over a million views.
I contacted the British Museum feeling duty-bound to inform someone of this discovery. After briefly discussing my find over the phone with the archaeologist and Duty Curator Derek Welsby, he advised that I write to him describing my find.
To my surprise, 37 minutes after sending my email I received a reply from him.
From Egyptian <>
To Nik Fenning <>
Date Wed, Oct 4, 2006 at 4:50 PM
Subject RE: newly discovered Kheper Beetle on Ocean Floor at the 33rd degree by Nicholas Brian Fenning
Dear Mr. Fenning
Thanks for the image. Like you say it does bear an resemblance to the shape of a scarab.
Yours sincerely
Derek Welsby
Duty Curator
Curious about the islands symbolic-looking direction given the scarab's high status among the Egyptians and the proximity of Egypt to Atlantis, I created a composite of the island and the Giza pyramid complex, with the pyramids substantially magnified, the result speaks for itself. The Atlantis scarab lays on the exact angle as the diagonals of the Great and Second pyramids!
Below the Image of Atlantis a large fleur-de-lis can be seen in the velvet folds of Mary's clothing. The Priory of Sion use the Fleur-De-Lis as their emblem.
The Priory are said to be a secret society, rumoured to be guarding the mystery of Christ's bloodline, supposedly that of the Merovingian Kings. From 1510 through 1519, Leonardo is reputed to have served as the Priory's grand master.
Was this the Atlantis I had discovered, revealed by Leonardo in its pre-flood splendor, demonstrating how the Crucifix and chevron used to hover in the sky above the domed metropolis, giving the planet the appearance of the many Greek churches around the Mediterranean.
Additionally there are thousands of Crucifixtion’s around the world depicted topped by a Chevron.
Since the view from Mary’s window is looking directly at the beetle from behind, I immediately realized that we are not in Jerusalem. We can presume Leonardo would have painted a side profile of the scarab if the view from this window were the alleged location of the final supper on Mount Zion, and we would be to the east and looking northwesterly towards Atlantis.
An illuminating discovery
Using the Google Earth measuring tool I drew backwards from the scarab to approximate the line of sight we have from the window, where we hit land was the exact location of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. For many centuries (280BC-1180AD), it was the world’s tallest tower and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
It was at this time I first became aware of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. Modelled after the Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt, the monument recognises Washington as a guiding light for his nation and fraternal organisation. It was built between 1922 and 1932, the internal construction however was not considered complete until 1970.
In 1955 during the construction of the interior, the Knights Templar asked that their assigned room be moved from the seventh to the eighth floor. On April 20, 1957, the day before Easter, the Knights Templar held a dedication ceremony for the eighth-floor chapel.
The Knights Templar Room is a French Gothic-themed chapel. The room is dominated by four gigantic stained glass windows showing the Ascension Scene, the Sermon on the Mount, the crucifixion of Christ, and Jesus curing the blind. In essence, it is a shrine to Christ. I find it thought-provoking that the Freemasons have built a duplicate of a long-gone landmark and dedicated a sacred space there. The Last Supper paintings by Leonardo seem to be situated in a square space with three windows on each wall, precisely like the floor where the Templar shrine is situated in this reproduction lighthouse.
Using the technique Leonardo Da Vinci was known to use when hiding secrets, we discover the view of the now submerged scarab-shaped metropolis of Atlantis that lines up with the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria. A lighthouse that was located in a city named after Alexander The Great, ruler of the Macedonian empire. The sixteen-pointed star emblem known as The Vergina Sun is found throughout Macedonia.
Used here to decorate the golden larnax of Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great.
Which is uncannily similar to the sixteen-pointed star on the ceiling of the Grand Temple of the Freemasons Hall in London! In fact, when we overlay the two they are identical!
Up to now we have discussed that Leonardo Da Vinci created a full-size replica of his Last Supper Fresco in or around 1506, given that his earlier version had already begun to deteriorate, we can assume that he did this to ensure that the intricate information he had concealed in it would endure the test of time.
One of the many secrets he reveals to us is the location of a gigantic scarab beetle city with a Dodecahedron dome that is marked by a massive chevron and cross hovering in the sky above it. Pointing up to this scene is a Fleur-De-Lis, a symbol that has been linked with Leonardo and his membership of The Priory of Sion, a secret society heavily influenced by the symbolism, philosophic and cultural heritage of the Freemasons.
This island-sized scarab is now submerged under the sea just as the story of Atlantis, and a number revered by the secretive Freemasons society reveals its location is approximately: 33°n, 33°e.
The same group has a mysterious ceiling in one of their Masonic temples featuring four crests, representing two Egyptian gods on either side of a scarab beetle that point toward 32 stars encircling a huge star, (calculating again the number/location 33), a star the design of which is identical to the Virgina Sun associated with the empire ruled by Alexander the Great, who named the city of Alexandria in Egypt after himself.
In Alexandria at the time of Christ, there stood a lighthouse that lines up exactly with the view given to us in Leonardo’s Last Supper. The Freemasons replicated this lighthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC, where one of their order, The Knights Templars, constructed a shrine to Christ on a level in the building that resembles the design of the room from the Last Supper picture, WHY?
As you will see in part 3 further answers still remain within Leonardo’s secret pictorial manifesto.