Let the seeker keep looking till he finds it. When he finds it, he will be disturbed. When he feels worried, amazed, and astonished, then he will rule over the whole universe⁂
One of the most contentious topics in mythology and legend is Atlantis. For thousands of years, people have been speculating about its location.
After much investigation, it can now be demonstrated where it is and how attempts have been made throughout history to reveal its location and disclose its existence to us without being open and honest, possibly out of fear of the repercussions.
There is strong evidence that Leonardo da Vinci renowned painter, scientist, and inventor, was one of the guardians of the greatest secret to be passed down through the ages. Indeed, most of his famous artworks are thought to contain clues to hidden knowledge.
Leonardo employed a technique for which he is well known in history: mirroring, but why? One explanation holds that he was hiding his scientific theories from the prominent Roman Catholic Church because their beliefs did not line up with his. It is conceivable that he would use his paintings, which would, after all, withstand the test of time, to conceal the secrets he learned while interacting with the kings and popes of his time.
The author will show you his theory that Leonardo Da Vinci knew the whereabouts of Atlantis, that he left us hidden images in his painting The Last Supper as to the exact location of this fabled metropolis, and a few uncomfortable truths some people would rather you didn’t know!
You will never again perceive the world the same way after reading and watching this material; your paradigm will be fundamentally and irrevocably altered.
Before we see what we found disguised in The Last Supper, it would be prudent to first explain how I came to discover what he is showing us.
Edward Fenning was a Respected, successful businessman who was a Freemason, he died in 1983 from Asbestosis, his son, my father Leslie Brian Fenning also a Freemason passed away in 2016, 33 years later at the age of 66 of the same disease.
After Grandpa Ted passed away my father took possession of his masonic paraphernalia, as a 13-year-old, I was fascinated by the items in this brown leather attaché case, which included a masonic bible with a square and compass inlaid in gold on the cover, a pair of ceremonial white gloves, an apron, and cufflinks. I would later come to realise that for me this had been the proverbial opening of Pandora's box.
The Square and Compass is arguably the most prominent symbol of Freemasonry, on the whole, there is no common interpretation for this insignia, but it is understood to be used to reflect lessons learned or as the tools of an architect.
Another use for them often overlooked however is as invaluable equipment for sailors plotting courses on nautical maps, helping them traverse the degrees of longitude and latitude across the world.
The degrees of Freemasonry determine a Freemason's position demonstrating the progression he has undergone, from the lowest step to the greatest level of Masonic knowledge. On the side of The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry there are 33 of these degrees, starting with the 1st degree of “Entered Apprentice” to the 32nd degree “Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret” and then the 33rd “Degree Sovereign Grand Inspector General”.
In 2006 my Father gave me a book called "Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft", in it is a photograph of the Grand Temple ceiling, Freemasons' Hall, London.
The centrepiece of this exquisitely detailed ceiling is an illuminated gold rosette with white crystal-like points giving it the resemblance of a 16-point compass rose, this is encircled by 32 stars arranged in 2 rings of sixteen stars each.
To each corner of the border surrounding the starry centrepiece are circular plaques.
Each of the plaques is emblazoned with the Coat of arms of the United Grand Lodge of England.
When first viewing these in the book, I construed them as scarab beetles with a figure on either side of them, pointing to the 33 stars in the centre of the ceiling.
Superimposing a Scarab beetle, reveals the deliberate intent of the design, everything with respect to its anatomy is in place, the wings of the Cherubim combined with the branches supporting the scroll create the beetle's legs, the light rays emanating from the Ark form the tubercles on the beetle's head, and the elytra are outlined by the Shield.
This is reminiscent of the tomb of Ramses IX where we see a scarab flanked by The Gods Khnum on the left and Khepri on the right.
The right side of the shield has illustrations of a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle, exactly as described by Ezekiel during his Vision.
“Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a human being, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle.” Then later on we read “18 Then the glory of the Lord departed from the threshold of the temple and stood over the cherubim. 19 And the cherubim lifted their wings and mounted up from the earth in my sight. “
The context of the passages mentioning cherubim changes if you consider the following, written in an article for the New York Post in 1902 by S.A.Binion who, coincidently wrote a book in 1905 called “The Wonders of the Kabbalah”, Kabbalah and Merkaba are both schools of early Jewish mysticism.
“The scarabs, one writer plausibly observes, “held the position among the ancient Egyptians which the Latin cross holds over us". Taking into consideration the etymology of the word, I venture to suggest that the great lawgiver, Moses. the Iconoclast of the Egyptian Pantheon substituted the cherubim for the scarabs. The Israelites were accustomed to see the scarab with outstretched wings and the solar disk everywhere. Hence the cherubim upon the mercy seat, called kaporeth, the place where the khepers or k'roubim were placed. The Sanskrit word for scarab (carabha) is the same as the Hebrew word, k'roub. " cherub.'" plural k’roubim. (cherubim.)”
We can now read, “18 Then the glory of the Lord departed from the threshold of the temple and stood over the scarabs. 19 And the Scarabs lifted their wings and mounted up from the earth in my sight. “
The verses that state the Cherubim have four wings makes more sense if you've ever seen a scarab flying!
We should bear in mind that the 33rd degree is a Scottish Rite tradition. The above logo is used for "The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland". It is more suggestive of Ezekiel's vision than the United Grand Lodge design, featuring cherubim with four faces and six wings, why six I'm not certain, my best guess is to stylize the scarabs back legs.
The Merkaba, the throne chariot of God described in Ezekiel's vision, is also known as a Star Tetrahedron; an eight-pointed star that can be made by nesting together two tetrahedrons, the tetrahedron being one of the five Platonic solids.
When you rotate a Star Tetrahedron 33 degrees the result is a hexagram projection resembling the star of David.
Depicted in the fresco between the pillars of Solomon (Boaz and Jachin) is a hexagram. The star appears to be radiating light, as evidenced by the golden rays that are emanating from it. “And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.”
According to Plato, the lost kingdom of Atlantis was located beyond the Pillars of Hercules, or more precisely, in the area known as the Unknown. Nec plus ultra, which means "nothing farther beyond," is thought to have been engraved on the pillars as a warning to sailors and navigators not to proceed any farther. The phrase might have undoubtedly been "ne ultra plus," as Going through the Pillars of Hercules was to escape the unpleasantness of the material world and ascend to a greater state of enlightenment. This makes sense considering how advanced this civilization was and how many creative minds studied at the nearby Library of Alexandria, which acted as a literal and metaphorical lighthouse for them.
The Masonic usage of the terms Jachin and Boaz originates from the Biblical account of King Solomon’s Temple. "Boaz and Jachin," the meanings of which are “in strength” and “to establish”
However, their original significance goes back further than this to ancient Egypt. Originally known as the pillars of Horus and Set, their names were later changed to Tat or Ta-at and Tattu, respectively, with the former meaning "in strength" and the latter "to establish," the two of which are seen as a symbol of stability when together. These pillars are commonly shown topped with the heavenly and earthly spheres.